Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Where Is The Jetta Sportwagon Tdi Manufactured

Said Musa, the Afghan Christian who was sentenced to death for his faith

Originally published at forbidden to speak. Any Please leave comments there.

by young :

We publish fragments of a letter from a minister of Afghanistan in prison because of his faith. Said Musa, this is his name, was arrested by Afghan authorities after the local television channel Noorin TV showed images of a meeting of Afghan Christians during which some people were baptized. Said he worked for years in the International Committee for the Red Crescent in Kabul, where he was employed in the field of prostheses to upper and lower limbs (many are losing or have lost a limb because of war, landmines and / or unexploded bombs, the same Said has a prosthetic leg). Married with 6 children, Said he converted to Christianity 8 years jail fa.Dal sent us several letters. The first was disarming, because it indicates to us the horrific abuse and violence to which it was submitted daily by guards and other inmates because of his own faith (some details not be published, also at times seemed so upset Said incomprehensible as to what it describes ...), the desperate tone in which aid was heartbreaking and begged one of his requests was to do all they can be transferred. Lawyers who could potentially take charge of his case have met and encountered obstacles of all kinds. Then, in what for Said was a miracle, transferred him to another prison, where, apparently, is less harassed and discriminated against: the letter we received after this move was filled with gratitude to God and declared himself fully convinced that God's plan for Afghanistan and for his life would have been made fully.

Here is the transcript of some parts of the last letter (in this case, we were forced to omit some parts for security issues):

Hello everyone, my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, Afghan and foreign ,

are in prison because of our faith. I feel great joy because of my Lord Jesus' brothers and sisters, remember the disciples of the Lord. They were persecuted, thrown to the lions thrown into prison and put to death. They were filled with joy because they had a purpose: their aim was to eternal life, humbling themselves and bowing his head to serve our Lord Jesus I am the worst of sinners, but the blood of the Son of God, now I have washed . Today I am a child of God: what is this great joy and happiness for me!

I have a request to all of you: please resist the persecution patiently and remain in Him until the end, obeying His commandments and believing in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Please bring fruit if you do not bear fruit, you are nothing, like a tree annoyed. Please announce the Gospel to others and preach the Good News to the people and above all keep praying, do not give up.

... Now I'm ready to give everything to God, my life, my family and my possessions and to resist persecution. Day and night I pray and cry for this, O my Lord, I want to know your name in Afghanistan. I want to build your church in Afghanistan ... This is my purpose and that is what I ask my Lord. ...

Please, please do not stop praying ... we are soldiers of Christ, we are light in a dark world. Please do not be afraid of this, do not be afraid of humans. The Lord is with us ... What is the meaning of life without Christ in this world and in the future? ...

conclusion, the grace, peace, glory, honor and wisdom, gratitude and the power and the force be with you forever, from God the Father, through Jesus Christ the Savior, amen.

The last of your brothers in faith,

Said Musa

Now for Said Musa was given the death sentence was to be executed within three days from February 7 for converting to Christianity. Said Musa, 45, a physiotherapist working with the Afghan Red Cross, Musa said he was tortured and sexually abused by guards and other inmates. The man was arrested in 2010, said he had been visited by a judge who informed him that will be hanged within days if you do not convert back to Islam. His lawyer, who asked to remain anonymous, occurred in Afghanistan on behalf of the organization 'Advocates International' to which it belongs, but the authorities prevented him from meeting Musa and have access to his file. According to Afghan law, the accused has the right to see a copy of the indictment and the evidence against him, but in this case, both rights were denied. In addition, the law provides that if the prosecutor does not present an indictment within 15 days after arrest, the detainee must be released. But Musa is in jail on 31 May. (Sources:, 07/02/2011 - "Hands Off Cain and the Western )


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