Thursday, February 3, 2011

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Samizdatonline: Who saves the policy?

Originally published at forbidden to speak. Any Please leave comments there.

samizdatonline reflects a realistic assessment of the monthly Track:

Resume this beautiful article that offers a very concrete answer to the question and dismay of many Italians today. SamizdatOnLine

"Awe." He used this term, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, to mention the events that occupy the front pages for days. It is a real word. Just look at us, to notice. Surprising that the first effect that has on us this avalanche of mud and chaos. Before the repulsive with the squalor that is afloat. Before the rebellion made way for a political battle and a judicial investigation, which is putting the good of all. Maybe even before the anger and the punishment for a country that would need far and finds himself mired in bungabunga and annizero. Before all this, or at least in all this, if we are loyal to the backlash that has really name: shock .

Or, malaise. Discomfort. For a way of dealing with things and people of her sad, and made even more bitter when accompanied by the illusion of power everything, including escape from time. For the lie to those who wait "to change our lives" is any bag full of Euros, in return pocketed maybe giving yourself pushing or elbowing your daughter to do it. And also how to use it for anything to attack an opponent who has not managed to put down by force of votes and elections. Sex, money and politics. 'Lust, Wear and Power, "as Eliot said. After all, the story is always there. The eternal temptation, of all time and for all.

course, the investigation is clear. Are there elements of an offense (offense, sin: that, until proven otherwise, does not apply to pm), are investigated, and quickly. Just as it is urgent that everyone returns to do his job, that politicians, judges and media defer to the common good - a vocation which largely are losing - rather than "stretch pitfalls," as recalled Cardinal Bagnasco, adding that "from this situation will derive no reason to rejoice or to be the winner." Let us not lose this opportunity to take seriously that initial backlash, that trouble. Do not let's move on - or not let us move - the eternal "moral issue", inconsistency, on human frailty.

Be very serious, to be taken into account, but after arriving, because basically we know that it is difficult to get in the shoes of those who cast the first stone. A moment earlier, however, there is uneasiness, restlessness deep. Which, if taken seriously, leads to a question: who can save us from this? Who can get us out of a depressing so we treat ourselves and others? Is there anything that can fill my life more than sex, money and power, or anything that we can reduce our desire for happiness? Someone able to attract all of us to him, because - finally - enough to our hearts? Who can save humanity by Berlusconi, who's running around, who gives him - and mine, here and now? The salvation, the fullness of humanity, will not be politics if ever there was need for confirmation. Or by the courts. But who, then?

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