Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Milena Valenciaoakley

The swallows have arrived EAR

swallows have arrived EAR

How flutter merry making their nests in my barn, they're beautiful * love *
And I like a good environmentalist that I had anticipated their arrival ehsì
believe that the town of Casina will give me the keys to the city to have understood that the swallows always arrive around April 5?
It 's a huge study, covering 40% of swallows bird fauna of the area EAR-
the crows and birds of prey 30% 10% U_U not counting the sparrows, pheasants and quail obviously oo
and peak
and the hoopoe ...
robins and ...
but since I ornintologa O_O?

Ordinque sclero this to tell you that as one swallow does not make a summer, but a Storm, I decided to put the new layout pink flowers all spring, with a beautiful China will brighten the days that I * A *

Someone teach me to make the Journal protected?


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