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Bonvegna story of Joseph and idendità
few days after the defeat of Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882) in Mentone, Lazio, (November 3, 1867) at the hands of a contingent made up of French and papal troops, the Marquis Peter Calà Ulloa (1801-1879), Neapolitan army officer, judge and friend of Francis II of the Two Sicilies (1836-1894), writes a slim pamphlet, which is inspired by the new time in history to develop some thoughts on political and military situation in Italy at the time.
The book is laid out in French and is targeted to senior leaders of the government in Paris, with a view not held, but easily detectable, to refer to the evaluation of Napoleon III (1808-1873) can not nullify the victory of Mentana and Making a federalist the question of Italian national unity, preventing the absorption of the Papal States team in the newborn Kingdom of Italy.
The choice followed by the new Italian government to carry out the annexation of Rome by military formations, using volunteers of Garibaldi in fact represented the latest attempt to eliminate the last obstacle to the achievement of unifying the peninsula under the Savoy monarchy: Rome still belonged to the Pope's failure of that attempt in the countryside of Mentone had placed the Italian Government in a difficult situation, since the military action had proved inadequate to solve a problem left unsolved already at the diplomatic level, through five attempts at mediation pursued unsuccessfully by personalities of the Catholic and liberal area.
at this time of political uncertainty, according to the Marquis of Naples, just as France, which intervened in Mentone with a contingent of soldiers to save Rome, should be championing the defense of the Pope by Italian annexationist claims. The preservation of the temporal power of the Pope, however, acts as a necessary consequence, the maintenance of the last barrier to the Italian monarchy to achieve unity, if it decides to save the Papacy, France, thereby compromising the completion of the process of unification National encouraging a return to the spirit of the armistice of Villafranca (Verona) and the subsequent Treaty of Zurich (1859), which established the union of the Peninsula in the form of a confederation under the honorary presidency of the pope who would retain the States.
federalist solution in the Roman Question, showing Italian politics along the road taken in Zurich and then immediately abandoned, would be justified even by historical reasons: in Italy, writes Calà Ulloa, «[...] grew in the shadow of the throne of Peter "(p. 37) and the team of different people present in it is a glue of unity only in belonging to the religion Catholic and in the common reference to the nearby Rome, the capital of Christendom.
But beyond the historical reasons, the political contingency of the moment, a French intervention in favor of the Pope would make it more necessary than ever because, according to the Marquis, the Italian Government «[...] exists only on the condition be the arm of the revolution "(p. 61) and, in the face of defeat of Garibaldi Mentone, is increasingly oriented toward the conquest of Rome.
Not only seconds Calà Ulloa, the Italian monarchy, to achieve this goal, would now looking with favor on an alliance with Prussia by Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898), an anti-French. Therefore, if the French Empire put an end to the design of the Savoy family to unify the Italian peninsula into a single monarchy and restore the legitimate sovereign, would eliminate the international political scene a possible ally of Prussia in the event of war on the border of the Rhine and would ensure that the friendship with the Empire and with all states of the Italian peninsula.
Napoleon III read the reflections of Cala Ulloa? We do not know. is certain is that the French Emperor, if it is interested in solutions proposed by the Marquis of Naples, has abandoned them in a few years since, as we know, the French international politics after Mentana, run on completely different tracks. In fact, on the eve of the outbreak of war with Prussia, in France to strengthen the anti-Prussian War, Napoleon III does not seek the friendship of the Pope and the princes dispossessed of the Italian peninsula, but succumbs to pressure from the Italian government, by withdrawing from Rome garrison of five thousand units, in exchange for a promise of support by a hundred thousand Italian soldiers on the frontier of the Rhine
the papal state, abandoned by France, it remains at the mercy of the Italian army commanded by General Raffaele Cadorna ( 1815-1897) which breaks Sept. 20, 1870 in Rome, leading to de facto annexation of the Papal States to Kingdom of Italy. Meanwhile, Napoleon III, who does not get the hundred thousand soldiers who had been promised in exchange for the abandonment of Rome, observed by the foreign affairs of the Holy City and is concentrating its war effort in a war from which it will be a loser. The Marquis
Calà Ulloa Peter died in 1879 and then in time to ensure that the development of international balances and the political situation of the Peninsula is in sharp contrast with what he desired written in 1867. However, there seems to be possible to allow Corrado Augias when, in the preface to the book, calls "naive" the assessment made by Cala Ulloa forces in the field, as well as the hope that the process unit will go back.
Far from closing your eyes to what was happening, he realizes that in the aftermath of Mentone, the Italian Government does not intend to give up not only in Rome, but believes that the best way to seize it is to reach an agreement diplomat to France. Moreover, he writes, «[...] in Florence is believed to France with his speech he only wanted to prevent a revolutionary solution, but that will resolve diplomatically in the sense of Italian aspirations and desires "(p. 66).
In light of these clarifications, the thought of how to evaluate an author who would like an Italy side by a federated under the presidency of the Pope, but on the other side knows that France's policy to undermine a return to the spirit of the Treaty of Zurich?
Perhaps to make the pages of the Marquis lives Neapolitan is not the proposed federal solution to the question of the unification of Italy - and these widely theorized differently by authors such as Antonio Rosmini Serbati (1797-1855), Vincenzo Gioberti (1801-1855 ), Giuseppe Ferrari (1811-1876) and Carlo Cattaneo (1801-1869) -, and the perception of the 'stake', which Calà Ulloa considers to be behind the design of the Savoy family to unify Italy under its own dynasty and clear the Pope's temporal power: if the Kingdom of Italy in its appearance desired by the Savoy does not collapse, writes Calà Ulloa, «[...] the revolution will be to sing the hymn of triumph. And Europe must have understood by now that the Italian revolution is cosmopolitan. If it does not dissolve this unnatural units of heterogeneous elements, you will write an end to the sovereignty of the popes and this civilization and freedom. It will be the Lutheran revolt in its final development, which, with the destruction of the temporal power, will concentrate in the hands of social forces only political power "(p. 85).
The issue of the Italian federation, therefore, not only pertains to the political sphere, but invests primarily the religious sphere and civil. In defense of a civil order which draws from the Catholic religion its lifeblood, Peter Calà Ulloa wanted to write a final impassioned plea.
Joseph Bonvegna
Here are some excerpts of the Marquis panflet Peter Calà Ulloa (Naples, February 15, 1801 - Naples, May 21, 1879) PETER CALA ULLOA, Union is not unity of Italy, Argo, Lecce 1998 ,
L a confederation is the only thing possible in Italy because it is based on the genius of the nation . His division, which predates the Roman domination, was born of the same configuration peninsula. E ra Confederate 1'Italia for centuries before the Roman conquest, which can be considered as the first barbarian invasion of the peninsula. The collapse of the Western Empire, 1'Italia spontaneously returned to its natural constitution. It was then that he became the soul and the spirit world. The most famous of Italian defenders have always understood, and served through leagues and confederations. It was almost a survival instinct, knowing that Italy was meant to be a slave. The unit can give strength, but not independence . The unit is a rational slavery, the worst of slavery. For those who truly love their country's independence can only be in consciousness. And certainly in recent times they have demonstrated its ability to fight.
Italy is composed of different origin peoples customs, language, habits. Among them is only the unity of religion, literature and glory. The Italian spirit is par excellence a spirit of rivalry and antagonism. This is the work of centuries. For over a millennium that this antagonism is still alive and settled between the north and south of the peninsula; and since there was rivalry between the Greek and Roman race, on the one hand, and that Allobrogia gallica and other. Born on the Lombard kingdom, history shows us, the pope always surrounded and defended by southern states against invaders from the north. The Lombards - the Piedmont of our days were never able to settle permanently in the provinces that make up the kingdom of Naples. The same revolution seemed for a moment to understand this need for federation, when he figured a division of Italy into regions. Certain regions, without their legitimate principles, the reality is illusory, but it could be expected over time, with changing times ... Attitudes uncertain encourage Always brave. Unit's hard-liners triumphed, but they sang victory too soon. With the mirage of a great power, have only created a huge slavery. And after being stuck in the mud of the revolution, the Italians are made to play the comedy of the old sizes. It has been invoked to justify violence unit. But even if they could make the unification of Italy, it can hardly be argued that the union would do the Italians.
The constant resistance of the kingdom of Naples, the uprising in Palermo in Sicily and the muddy 'would have to convince the most obstinate. Turin has shown the same, just three years ago, how many hatch passions burning beneath the ashes, and you saw the blood. But he could not erase the tracks of the allowance paid Castelfidardo Gaeta and this is where the contestants offered the authentic image of heroic duty and honor. True, the city of Turin after he tried to disguise their own selfishness rough and fiery, his ambitions local content, with the aspiration towards Rome. The review of the newspapers, the council of the province, the city and the town hall, the associations with their resolutions, complained loudly the sacrifices of blood and money made from Piedmont; but the destination was Rome, it was said, only Rome that the Italian revolution can not do without: the revolution can not abdicate. And yet, going a bit 'deeper, you'd see with ease what he really wanted to Turin. The lie of Rome was just a trinket, a concession that is granted to municipal needs. The Rome that demanded the trainbearer of Count Cavour would not have struck at the heart of Turin less than they do today Florence. It will not be able to deny the Permanent. Turin rebelled because he did not want to lose neither the title nor the prerogatives of capital.
We understand very well the discontent of Turin. The ancient capital of the Savoy dynasty decayed to the rank of provincial town.! But having struggled and aspired to annex other territories of Italy, having misunderstood and reshuffled many interests, after being enriched with the spoils of other peoples, this city could never believe that its time to do away with? If it was true that the aspiration was Rome, the unification of Italy with a central Rome, Turin, he had to expect that the government would be transferred. And Naples, the city of Frederick II of Aragon and Alfonso, Florence, the Medici and Lorraine, Milan, the city of Visconti and Sforza, all these funds, whose history, monuments, laws, memories as had been taken off the force, were, they yes, being absorbed from Torino?
sea without shores. And we, whose life of four years is just a thrill of terror, as we are thrown endless restlessness of distress and pain, we were perhaps the only bemoan the decay of the Savoy family!
The authors begin with a revolution of being guilty and end up as victims.
Torino wound to the heart is now able to understand? what were the sufferings of Naples, when the rank of one of the most beautiful capitals in Europe saw reduced to the status of provincial towns. We are not so little magnanimous not to understand the anxieties of today's Turin, Turin, even though he had pushed his cruel irony to make fun of autonomist tendencies of the Neapolitans. But soon the law Pica was also applied to the House of Savoy: removed from their land, torn from its roots, was sentenced to house arrest. was looking at Palazzo Pitti enjoyed a rest in the Castle of Moncalieri. But he had no capital. Villafranca after the king who would lead the Italian movement, must now suffer it and today we have noticed that the Count of Cavour has dragged out to sea without shores. And we whose lives four years is just a thrill terror, as we are thrown endless restlessness of distress and pain, we were perhaps the only bemoan the decay of the Savoy family!
nationalities have been destroyed and all forms of federation, to have a power in the hands of Caesar tribunician . It is the same word of nationality who at times has the mystification. Tacitus states that the words deceive the nations which are no longer worthy of freedom. Reading the specious verba, king mania, aut subtle historian of Latin, you realize you read a terrible review on the Italian unit of our day. The mistrust and divisions have multiplied with the charges and penalties. Thanks unit was made to hate the very name of freedom, it is struck to the heart, and already showing its alleged apostles as helots, the Spartans pointed at the drunk to their children. Our grandchildren will pay a dear crimes of their ancestors.
The idea was to revive the unity of the empire and its legions and the power of the Latin Eagles. And we have heard this word for seven years, through the ambitions of the peninsula flogged. I too have heard this word in my exile in this place meant to nourish the spirit, in Rome, where he walks on this many ruins and the dust of the fortunes of the empire! It was believed to have taken over the power, in an Italy where justice was misunderstood, oppressed the weak, the brutality victorious! Missing it would come to reopen the Coliseum to give or receive death. In the seven years that have not been able to arouse the applause of the populace of the ancient circus and flattery involved, already paid to the Caesars of Rome. If this empire ephemeral does not collapse, the revolution will be to sing the hymn of triumph. And Europe must have understood by now that the Italian revolution is cosmopolitan. If this unit does not dissolve unnatural of heterogeneous elements, you will write an end to the sovereignty of the popes and this civilization and freedom. It will be the Lutheran revolt in its final development, which, with the destruction of the temporal power, will concentrate in the hands of social forces only political power. And the days of Tiberius, Caracalla and will not be a phenomenon unique in the annals of tyranny.
author: Peter Marchese Calà Ulloa (Naples, February 15, 1801 - Naples, May 21, 1879) was a judge, politician and essayist is the author italiano.chi:
was born in Naples (in other Lauria), in 1801, the Duke of Francesco Lauria Donna and Helen O 'Raredon, Irish noblewoman. It is the first of three brothers loyal to the Bourbon dynasty (the other two are Jerome and Anthony).
attended the Royal Military College of Nunziatella, but only for a short time he devoted himself to a military career. Later he studied, with a massive production of essays and literary historical subject. Having served as a lawyer in 1836 he was appointed to the Supreme Court of Naples.
He practiced first tasks as a magistrate in Sicily, and from King's prosecutor in Trapani, you must own all'Ulloa if, in 1838, emerged for the first time a judicial official in the word "mafia". Constitutionalist, is among those who participated in the constitutional draft, approved by late Francis II.
loyal to the Bourbons, Peter Ulloa was the last Chairman of the Board Francis II of Naples, a position he was given by Francis II in estremis, now that is when he left Naples. He held the post of prime minister even in the government in exile in Rome.
returned to Naples (1870) devoted himself to historical studies, including the best known are: Around the history of the kingdom of Naples to Pietro Colletta (1877) and the work still largely unpublished On the Revolutions of the kingdom of Naples. His numerous works are interesting for the light they shed on the last historical period seen by the Bourbons.
Peter Ulloa is also considered one of the fathers of confederation meridionalistica: they were particularly appreciated his arguments on the subject, according to some source of Neo-Guelphism (thesis, however, forgotten for over a century and only recently rediscovered) a possible union confederation of the Italian peninsula, an alternative to the unity of Italy.
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