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This is the most important issue for our country, but the political attention is continually diverted elsewhere
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Bonvegna story of Joseph and idendità
few days after the defeat of Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882) in Mentone, Lazio, (November 3, 1867) at the hands of a contingent made up of French and papal troops, the Marquis Peter Calà Ulloa (1801-1879), Neapolitan army officer, judge and friend of Francis II of the Two Sicilies (1836-1894), writes a slim pamphlet, which is inspired by the new time in history to develop some thoughts on political and military situation in Italy at the time.
The book is laid out in French and is targeted to senior leaders of the government in Paris, with a view not held, but easily detectable, to refer to the evaluation of Napoleon III (1808-1873) can not nullify the victory of Mentana and Making a federalist the question of Italian national unity, preventing the absorption of the Papal States team in the newborn Kingdom of Italy.
The choice followed by the new Italian government to carry out the annexation of Rome by military formations, using volunteers of Garibaldi in fact represented the latest attempt to eliminate the last obstacle to the achievement of unifying the peninsula under the Savoy monarchy: Rome still belonged to the Pope's failure of that attempt in the countryside of Mentone had placed the Italian Government in a difficult situation, since the military action had proved inadequate to solve a problem left unsolved already at the diplomatic level, through five attempts at mediation pursued unsuccessfully by personalities of the Catholic and liberal area.
at this time of political uncertainty, according to the Marquis of Naples, just as France, which intervened in Mentone with a contingent of soldiers to save Rome, should be championing the defense of the Pope by Italian annexationist claims. The preservation of the temporal power of the Pope, however, acts as a necessary consequence, the maintenance of the last barrier to the Italian monarchy to achieve unity, if it decides to save the Papacy, France, thereby compromising the completion of the process of unification National encouraging a return to the spirit of the armistice of Villafranca (Verona) and the subsequent Treaty of Zurich (1859), which established the union of the Peninsula in the form of a confederation under the honorary presidency of the pope who would retain the States.
federalist solution in the Roman Question, showing Italian politics along the road taken in Zurich and then immediately abandoned, would be justified even by historical reasons: in Italy, writes Calà Ulloa, «[...] grew in the shadow of the throne of Peter "(p. 37) and the team of different people present in it is a glue of unity only in belonging to the religion Catholic and in the common reference to the nearby Rome, the capital of Christendom.
But beyond the historical reasons, the political contingency of the moment, a French intervention in favor of the Pope would make it more necessary than ever because, according to the Marquis, the Italian Government «[...] exists only on the condition be the arm of the revolution "(p. 61) and, in the face of defeat of Garibaldi Mentone, is increasingly oriented toward the conquest of Rome.
Not only seconds Calà Ulloa, the Italian monarchy, to achieve this goal, would now looking with favor on an alliance with Prussia by Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898), an anti-French. Therefore, if the French Empire put an end to the design of the Savoy family to unify the Italian peninsula into a single monarchy and restore the legitimate sovereign, would eliminate the international political scene a possible ally of Prussia in the event of war on the border of the Rhine and would ensure that the friendship with the Empire and with all states of the Italian peninsula.
Napoleon III read the reflections of Cala Ulloa? We do not know. is certain is that the French Emperor, if it is interested in solutions proposed by the Marquis of Naples, has abandoned them in a few years since, as we know, the French international politics after Mentana, run on completely different tracks. In fact, on the eve of the outbreak of war with Prussia, in France to strengthen the anti-Prussian War, Napoleon III does not seek the friendship of the Pope and the princes dispossessed of the Italian peninsula, but succumbs to pressure from the Italian government, by withdrawing from Rome garrison of five thousand units, in exchange for a promise of support by a hundred thousand Italian soldiers on the frontier of the Rhine
the papal state, abandoned by France, it remains at the mercy of the Italian army commanded by General Raffaele Cadorna ( 1815-1897) which breaks Sept. 20, 1870 in Rome, leading to de facto annexation of the Papal States to Kingdom of Italy. Meanwhile, Napoleon III, who does not get the hundred thousand soldiers who had been promised in exchange for the abandonment of Rome, observed by the foreign affairs of the Holy City and is concentrating its war effort in a war from which it will be a loser. The Marquis
Calà Ulloa Peter died in 1879 and then in time to ensure that the development of international balances and the political situation of the Peninsula is in sharp contrast with what he desired written in 1867. However, there seems to be possible to allow Corrado Augias when, in the preface to the book, calls "naive" the assessment made by Cala Ulloa forces in the field, as well as the hope that the process unit will go back.
Far from closing your eyes to what was happening, he realizes that in the aftermath of Mentone, the Italian Government does not intend to give up not only in Rome, but believes that the best way to seize it is to reach an agreement diplomat to France. Moreover, he writes, «[...] in Florence is believed to France with his speech he only wanted to prevent a revolutionary solution, but that will resolve diplomatically in the sense of Italian aspirations and desires "(p. 66).
In light of these clarifications, the thought of how to evaluate an author who would like an Italy side by a federated under the presidency of the Pope, but on the other side knows that France's policy to undermine a return to the spirit of the Treaty of Zurich?
Perhaps to make the pages of the Marquis lives Neapolitan is not the proposed federal solution to the question of the unification of Italy - and these widely theorized differently by authors such as Antonio Rosmini Serbati (1797-1855), Vincenzo Gioberti (1801-1855 ), Giuseppe Ferrari (1811-1876) and Carlo Cattaneo (1801-1869) -, and the perception of the 'stake', which Calà Ulloa considers to be behind the design of the Savoy family to unify Italy under its own dynasty and clear the Pope's temporal power: if the Kingdom of Italy in its appearance desired by the Savoy does not collapse, writes Calà Ulloa, «[...] the revolution will be to sing the hymn of triumph. And Europe must have understood by now that the Italian revolution is cosmopolitan. If it does not dissolve this unnatural units of heterogeneous elements, you will write an end to the sovereignty of the popes and this civilization and freedom. It will be the Lutheran revolt in its final development, which, with the destruction of the temporal power, will concentrate in the hands of social forces only political power "(p. 85).
The issue of the Italian federation, therefore, not only pertains to the political sphere, but invests primarily the religious sphere and civil. In defense of a civil order which draws from the Catholic religion its lifeblood, Peter Calà Ulloa wanted to write a final impassioned plea.
Joseph Bonvegna
Here are some excerpts of the Marquis panflet Peter Calà Ulloa (Naples, February 15, 1801 - Naples, May 21, 1879) PETER CALA ULLOA, Union is not unity of Italy, Argo, Lecce 1998 ,
L a confederation is the only thing possible in Italy because it is based on the genius of the nation . His division, which predates the Roman domination, was born of the same configuration peninsula. E ra Confederate 1'Italia for centuries before the Roman conquest, which can be considered as the first barbarian invasion of the peninsula. The collapse of the Western Empire, 1'Italia spontaneously returned to its natural constitution. It was then that he became the soul and the spirit world. The most famous of Italian defenders have always understood, and served through leagues and confederations. It was almost a survival instinct, knowing that Italy was meant to be a slave. The unit can give strength, but not independence . The unit is a rational slavery, the worst of slavery. For those who truly love their country's independence can only be in consciousness. And certainly in recent times they have demonstrated its ability to fight.
Italy is composed of different origin peoples customs, language, habits. Among them is only the unity of religion, literature and glory. The Italian spirit is par excellence a spirit of rivalry and antagonism. This is the work of centuries. For over a millennium that this antagonism is still alive and settled between the north and south of the peninsula; and since there was rivalry between the Greek and Roman race, on the one hand, and that Allobrogia gallica and other. Born on the Lombard kingdom, history shows us, the pope always surrounded and defended by southern states against invaders from the north. The Lombards - the Piedmont of our days were never able to settle permanently in the provinces that make up the kingdom of Naples. The same revolution seemed for a moment to understand this need for federation, when he figured a division of Italy into regions. Certain regions, without their legitimate principles, the reality is illusory, but it could be expected over time, with changing times ... Attitudes uncertain encourage Always brave. Unit's hard-liners triumphed, but they sang victory too soon. With the mirage of a great power, have only created a huge slavery. And after being stuck in the mud of the revolution, the Italians are made to play the comedy of the old sizes. It has been invoked to justify violence unit. But even if they could make the unification of Italy, it can hardly be argued that the union would do the Italians.
The constant resistance of the kingdom of Naples, the uprising in Palermo in Sicily and the muddy 'would have to convince the most obstinate. Turin has shown the same, just three years ago, how many hatch passions burning beneath the ashes, and you saw the blood. But he could not erase the tracks of the allowance paid Castelfidardo Gaeta and this is where the contestants offered the authentic image of heroic duty and honor. True, the city of Turin after he tried to disguise their own selfishness rough and fiery, his ambitions local content, with the aspiration towards Rome. The review of the newspapers, the council of the province, the city and the town hall, the associations with their resolutions, complained loudly the sacrifices of blood and money made from Piedmont; but the destination was Rome, it was said, only Rome that the Italian revolution can not do without: the revolution can not abdicate. And yet, going a bit 'deeper, you'd see with ease what he really wanted to Turin. The lie of Rome was just a trinket, a concession that is granted to municipal needs. The Rome that demanded the trainbearer of Count Cavour would not have struck at the heart of Turin less than they do today Florence. It will not be able to deny the Permanent. Turin rebelled because he did not want to lose neither the title nor the prerogatives of capital.
We understand very well the discontent of Turin. The ancient capital of the Savoy dynasty decayed to the rank of provincial town.! But having struggled and aspired to annex other territories of Italy, having misunderstood and reshuffled many interests, after being enriched with the spoils of other peoples, this city could never believe that its time to do away with? If it was true that the aspiration was Rome, the unification of Italy with a central Rome, Turin, he had to expect that the government would be transferred. And Naples, the city of Frederick II of Aragon and Alfonso, Florence, the Medici and Lorraine, Milan, the city of Visconti and Sforza, all these funds, whose history, monuments, laws, memories as had been taken off the force, were, they yes, being absorbed from Torino?
sea without shores. And we, whose life of four years is just a thrill of terror, as we are thrown endless restlessness of distress and pain, we were perhaps the only bemoan the decay of the Savoy family!
The authors begin with a revolution of being guilty and end up as victims.
Torino wound to the heart is now able to understand? what were the sufferings of Naples, when the rank of one of the most beautiful capitals in Europe saw reduced to the status of provincial towns. We are not so little magnanimous not to understand the anxieties of today's Turin, Turin, even though he had pushed his cruel irony to make fun of autonomist tendencies of the Neapolitans. But soon the law Pica was also applied to the House of Savoy: removed from their land, torn from its roots, was sentenced to house arrest. was looking at Palazzo Pitti enjoyed a rest in the Castle of Moncalieri. But he had no capital. Villafranca after the king who would lead the Italian movement, must now suffer it and today we have noticed that the Count of Cavour has dragged out to sea without shores. And we whose lives four years is just a thrill terror, as we are thrown endless restlessness of distress and pain, we were perhaps the only bemoan the decay of the Savoy family!
nationalities have been destroyed and all forms of federation, to have a power in the hands of Caesar tribunician . It is the same word of nationality who at times has the mystification. Tacitus states that the words deceive the nations which are no longer worthy of freedom. Reading the specious verba, king mania, aut subtle historian of Latin, you realize you read a terrible review on the Italian unit of our day. The mistrust and divisions have multiplied with the charges and penalties. Thanks unit was made to hate the very name of freedom, it is struck to the heart, and already showing its alleged apostles as helots, the Spartans pointed at the drunk to their children. Our grandchildren will pay a dear crimes of their ancestors.
The idea was to revive the unity of the empire and its legions and the power of the Latin Eagles. And we have heard this word for seven years, through the ambitions of the peninsula flogged. I too have heard this word in my exile in this place meant to nourish the spirit, in Rome, where he walks on this many ruins and the dust of the fortunes of the empire! It was believed to have taken over the power, in an Italy where justice was misunderstood, oppressed the weak, the brutality victorious! Missing it would come to reopen the Coliseum to give or receive death. In the seven years that have not been able to arouse the applause of the populace of the ancient circus and flattery involved, already paid to the Caesars of Rome. If this empire ephemeral does not collapse, the revolution will be to sing the hymn of triumph. And Europe must have understood by now that the Italian revolution is cosmopolitan. If this unit does not dissolve unnatural of heterogeneous elements, you will write an end to the sovereignty of the popes and this civilization and freedom. It will be the Lutheran revolt in its final development, which, with the destruction of the temporal power, will concentrate in the hands of social forces only political power. And the days of Tiberius, Caracalla and will not be a phenomenon unique in the annals of tyranny.
author: Peter Marchese Calà Ulloa (Naples, February 15, 1801 - Naples, May 21, 1879) was a judge, politician and essayist is the author italiano.chi:
was born in Naples (in other Lauria), in 1801, the Duke of Francesco Lauria Donna and Helen O 'Raredon, Irish noblewoman. It is the first of three brothers loyal to the Bourbon dynasty (the other two are Jerome and Anthony).
attended the Royal Military College of Nunziatella, but only for a short time he devoted himself to a military career. Later he studied, with a massive production of essays and literary historical subject. Having served as a lawyer in 1836 he was appointed to the Supreme Court of Naples.
He practiced first tasks as a magistrate in Sicily, and from King's prosecutor in Trapani, you must own all'Ulloa if, in 1838, emerged for the first time a judicial official in the word "mafia". Constitutionalist, is among those who participated in the constitutional draft, approved by late Francis II.
loyal to the Bourbons, Peter Ulloa was the last Chairman of the Board Francis II of Naples, a position he was given by Francis II in estremis, now that is when he left Naples. He held the post of prime minister even in the government in exile in Rome.
returned to Naples (1870) devoted himself to historical studies, including the best known are: Around the history of the kingdom of Naples to Pietro Colletta (1877) and the work still largely unpublished On the Revolutions of the kingdom of Naples. His numerous works are interesting for the light they shed on the last historical period seen by the Bourbons.
Peter Ulloa is also considered one of the fathers of confederation meridionalistica: they were particularly appreciated his arguments on the subject, according to some source of Neo-Guelphism (thesis, however, forgotten for over a century and only recently rediscovered) a possible union confederation of the Italian peninsula, an alternative to the unity of Italy.
You are full of affection and declarations of love meaning?
Have you spent Valentine's Day reading your long favorite and eager to spread chocolate and messages to many authors and members of your favorite fandom? You
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stirred by a juicy idea arineat ( here), we decided to create a space in which to declare undying love / affection / friendship, or make proposals pseudosessuali promise your firstborn to your favorite authors! A
irregular periods and will be open five completely random post for five categories in which you can leave messages, notes, sticky notes, postcards, love letters, in strict ANONYMOUS .
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Roberto de Mattei Christian roots
On 17 March 1861, Italy celebrated its political revolution, which culminated in the destabilization of the pre-unification states and in the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy. The political process of national unification, should not be confused with the ideological revolution that accompanied him and that was the Renaissance itself, as it is a mistake to identify concepts that modernity has only confused, such as those of state and nation. The nation is not really a state, but a cultural and moral. The State is the political and institutional organization of a national community.
The geopolitical map of Italy, between the Peace of Lodi in 1454 and Congress Vienna in 1815, offer an image of one nation, united in a variety of different regional states. In the variety of its traditions and ways of life, Italy was, since the Middle Ages, a culturally homogeneous nation, unified culture, art, law and especially the Catholic religion.
Catholicity made it resistant to all forms of nationalism, because it expresses a universal tendency to transcend its geo-politic i. The fields in which Italy gave their best were those less bound by their nature, national in scope, such as music, art, architecture.
The same Italian literature, as noted, was all the more vigorously the more weakly European country. The Italian national identity coincided paradoxically with its universality. Niccolo Machiavelli, in the twelfth chapter of the Discourses on Livy first, pointed out in the Church is mainly responsible for non-Italian unification in the Middle Ages.
Machiavelli was not wrong, but the lack of unification was the political one, in terms of culture and art, the Church not only helped to unify Italy, but to give universal projection of its identity. The greatest of the medieval Popes , Gregory the Great to Gregory VII, defended the libertas ecclesiae, this universal identity threatened by the nationalism of the Lombards and then by the German emperors.
In 1796, Napoleon's army claims to replace traditional Italian identity, founded on the unity of religion and the diversity of regional institutions, a new identity, theoretically derived from the French Revolution. the "real home" was replaced by a homeland "philosophical", that by incorporating the views of the French Revolution, gave the nation the source of all law. The term nation
suffered, such as country, a semantic transformation. The The nation coincided with the republican democracy and became a political paradigm in which everything was subordinated. The Risorgimento word began to spread in the Jacobean period 1796-1799 with an ideological meaning, and even with a religious resonance, indicating the process of rebirth that would have led to the unification of the Italian peninsula. The use of the term is part of the Enlightenment philosophy of history, to proclaim the resurrection of the Italian nation, after centuries of darkness. Similar to the word Revolution and the Renaissance, the Risorgimento word constituted a break with the past tense and a return to a mythical, distant past. The Renaissance was a revolution in this sense, the Italian Revolution, although this term, preferred to the top of the Risorgimento, was abandoned, especially to reassure those who remember the term excesses and the violence that occurred in a time still recently in France. The newspaper of the Count of Cavour,
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by young cristiani.it :
We publish fragments of a letter from a minister of Afghanistan in prison because of his faith. Said Musa, this is his name, was arrested by Afghan authorities after the local television channel Noorin TV showed images of a meeting of Afghan Christians during which some people were baptized. Said he worked for years in the International Committee for the Red Crescent in Kabul, where he was employed in the field of prostheses to upper and lower limbs (many are losing or have lost a limb because of war, landmines and / or unexploded bombs, the same Said has a prosthetic leg). Married with 6 children, Said he converted to Christianity 8 years jail fa.Dal sent us several letters. The first was disarming, because it indicates to us the horrific abuse and violence to which it was submitted daily by guards and other inmates because of his own faith (some details not be published, also at times seemed so upset Said incomprehensible as to what it describes ...), the desperate tone in which aid was heartbreaking and begged one of his requests was to do all they can be transferred. Lawyers who could potentially take charge of his case have met and encountered obstacles of all kinds. Then, in what for Said was a miracle, transferred him to another prison, where, apparently, is less harassed and discriminated against: the letter we received after this move was filled with gratitude to God and declared himself fully convinced that God's plan for Afghanistan and for his life would have been made fully.
Here is the transcript of some parts of the last letter (in this case, we were forced to omit some parts for security issues):
Hello everyone, my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, Afghan and foreign ,
are in prison because of our faith. I feel great joy because of my Lord Jesus' brothers and sisters, remember the disciples of the Lord. They were persecuted, thrown to the lions thrown into prison and put to death. They were filled with joy because they had a purpose: their aim was to eternal life, humbling themselves and bowing his head to serve our Lord Jesus I am the worst of sinners, but the blood of the Son of God, now I have washed . Today I am a child of God: what is this great joy and happiness for me!
I have a request to all of you: please resist the persecution patiently and remain in Him until the end, obeying His commandments and believing in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Please bring fruit if you do not bear fruit, you are nothing, like a tree annoyed. Please announce the Gospel to others and preach the Good News to the people and above all keep praying, do not give up.
... Now I'm ready to give everything to God, my life, my family and my possessions and to resist persecution. Day and night I pray and cry for this, O my Lord, I want to know your name in Afghanistan. I want to build your church in Afghanistan ... This is my purpose and that is what I ask my Lord. ...
Please, please do not stop praying ... we are soldiers of Christ, we are light in a dark world. Please do not be afraid of this, do not be afraid of humans. The Lord is with us ... What is the meaning of life without Christ in this world and in the future? ...
conclusion, the grace, peace, glory, honor and wisdom, gratitude and the power and the force be with you forever, from God the Father, through Jesus Christ the Savior, amen.
The last of your brothers in faith,
Said Musa
Now for Said Musa was given the death sentence was to be executed within three days from February 7 for converting to Christianity. Said Musa, 45, a physiotherapist working with the Afghan Red Cross, Musa said he was tortured and sexually abused by guards and other inmates. The man was arrested in 2010, said he had been visited by a judge who informed him that will be hanged within days if you do not convert back to Islam. His lawyer, who asked to remain anonymous, occurred in Afghanistan on behalf of the organization 'Advocates International' to which it belongs, but the authorities prevented him from meeting Musa and have access to his file. According to Afghan law, the accused has the right to see a copy of the indictment and the evidence against him, but in this case, both rights were denied. In addition, the law provides that if the prosecutor does not present an indictment within 15 days after arrest, the detainee must be released. But Musa is in jail on 31 May. (Sources: Dailymail.co.uk, 07/02/2011 - "Hands Off Cain and the Western )
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"Saving Asia Bibi"
Asia Bibi, mother of two children, is the first woman to be sentenced to death for blasphemy and is in prison since 2009.
According to the judges would have offended the prophet Mohammed during a discussion took place in front of some colleagues. In fact the woman had simply responded to that calling colleagues invited her unfaithful to abandon Christianity.
why Asia was first beaten and then reported to the police Ittanwali (Punjab) and arrested her on false charges of blasphemy.
The so-called "blasphemy law" (Articles 295b and 295c of the Penal Code of Pakistan) is constantly being used for revenge or personal interests that have nothing to do with the offense religion. The law was promulgated unilaterally by General Zia-ul-Haq in 1986. At the expense have been in 25 years, about 1,000 Pakistani nationals, arrested and unjustly charged: among them 479 Muslims, 340 Ahmadis, 119 Christians and other religious minorities such as Hindus and Sikhs. Also many as 33 people on trial for blasphemy or acquitted of the charges, have been victims of extrajudicial executions.
The story of ASIA BIBI sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan seems to fall into oblivion
International attention around the case of Asia Bibi, the first woman sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan, can not and should not fall: it is a tragic demonstration the brutal murderess of the governor of Punujab, Salman Taseer, a Muslim and member of the Pakistan People's Party, assassinated today in Islamabad by a man of his own stock.
After the verdict, Taeseer had spoken out publicly against this decision and because of what was killed.
According to the head of the association that assists the woman's family - the Masihi Foundation -, Bsrket Haroon Masih, "today there are 10 million potential killer in Asia . Taseer has been killed and the Minister Shahbaz Bhatti ol'ex Minister Sherry Rehman were sentenced to death by extremists ". The imam of the Mohabat Khan mosque (the great Peshawar), Maulana Yousuf Qureshi, offered a reward of 500,000 rupees (around 4,500 €) for anyone who kills the woman (AsiaNews ).
The atmosphere in Pakistan is getting hot. It should therefore be taken seriously the death threats directed against the Minister for Minorities, the Catholic Shahbaz Bhatti, and the former minister and current MP Sherry Rehman, who at the end of November he presented a proposal to revise the law on blasphemy. "Today we are experiencing particularly difficult times in which every citizen liberal in Pakistan is likely to be killed by fanatics," admits Peter Jacob, secretary of the Justice and Peace Commission of the Episcopal Conference of Pakistan ( Fides, 13 January).
transmission ZAPPING The initiative is in addition to the one launched a few months ago and SAT2000 ASIANEWS salviamoasiabibi@asianews.it and salviamoasiabibi@tv2000.it
It 'important to keep vigilant. I urge friends to join with the proposed action, reported verbatim from the site of ZAPPING:
Asia Bibi is a Christian woman in Pakistan, a mother of 40 years was sentenced to death for blasphemy. An absurd crime, which should be deleted because it dishonors humanity.
saved the life of Asia. send your registration to "Mix It Up" that will transmit to the President of Pakistan. Liberate Asia Bibi. To join please send an email with your full name and address to: Write to Staff zapping
than 70,000 accessions of common people came to the office but also witnesses to the world of politics as the president of the province of Bari, Francesco Schittulli the chairman of the province of Milan, Guido Podestà, Genoa Mayor Marta Vincenzi, Mayor of Naples, Rosa Russo Iervolino, the mayor of Cesena, Paul Lucchi, the mayor of Piacenza, Roberto Reggi, the mayor of Cagliari, Emilio Floris, president of the province of L'Aquila, Antonio Del Corvo, the mayor of Ravenna, Fabrizio Matteucci, the mayor of Cosenza, Salvatore Perugini, the Mayor of Belluno, Antonio Prado, the mayor of Perugia, Vladimiro Jugs, the President of the Province of Ancona, Patrizia Casagrande Exposed, the mayor of Nemi, Cinzia Cocchi, Mayor of Senigallia, Maurizio Mangialardi, the President of the Province of Ravenna, Francesco Giangrandi, the President of the Province of Lodi, Pietro Foroni, the mayor of Cinisello Balsamo, Daniela Gasparini, the Mayor of Riccione, Massimo Pironi, the mayor of Jesi, Belcecchi Fabiano, President Province of Novara, Diego Sozzani, the President of the Province of Rovigo, Michael Tiziana Virgili, the mayor of Tivoli, Sandro Gallotti.
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Fourth Conference of the cycle of eight that the Centro Studi di Civitanova Marche Civitanova organized under initiatives dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy.
The conference was held Saturday, November 20, 2010, at 21:30, at the theater Pier Alberto Conti di Civitanova Marche.
Rapporteur Professor Angela Pellicciari. Introduced and concluded Dr. Alvin Mann, president of the Centro Studi Civitanova.
Shooting and editing video of Sergio Fucci (C) 2010.
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photo credit: Generationbass.com
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SOURCE Garibaldi and the Risorgimento paved the way for Fascism and EU
unification forced geographical expression called Italy was a dress rehearsal for the European Union. The nations that had been pre-unification Italian Piedmont, Prussia of the Italian peninsula, annexed by conquest to an artificial entity, bureaucratic and despotic called "Kingdom of Italy." The Bourbon monarchs of the Two Sicilies were folk who spoke the local dialect, had kept a low public debt and taxes, and had provided their citizens with cheap food. They were demonized by that old windbag of Gladstone bigot who used the free time remained to the activity of saving fallen women to expose the Bourbon monarchy as "the negation of God erected into a system of government." That phrase accurately describes the European Union.
The true denial of God was the extravagant cynicism with which Cavour and Napoleon III, in Plombieres in 1858, planned a war in which thousands have died: "Finding Another reason was our main problem "wrote Cavour. The plebiscite held by the conquistadors showed a percentage in favor of annexation to Piedmont was 99% - in Stalin's style / Ceausescu. The remaining 1% must have been formidable as they held the Italian army in check for five years in a bloody civil war in which more people were killed in all other wars combined Risorgimento.
The Grand Duchy of Tuscany, conquered and subjected to another fraudulent plebiscite, under the rule of the Habsburgs was called by liberals such as Pietro Giordani "The Earthly Paradise." Its economy was so devoted to free trade (well before the UK) that the drivers of cabs at the station in Florence was not allowed to advertise their prices. The brutal invasion of the Papal States resulted in the recruitment of thousands of Catholics in a romantic international army of crusaders who fought for the rights of Pius IX, 476 of them gave their lives fighting unit Papalini Zouaves, in which there were also British. Mayor Siciliano Garibaldi who denounced it as "a vicious murderess in the service of Freemasonry and the British," he told the truth. The International Art Bulletin in 1907, Garibaldi described as "the greatest Freemason of Italy and Mazzini was not far away. The regime imposed was a foreshadowing of Fascism, which subsequently cohabited comfortably. Today, Freemasonry is a powerful element in the elites in Brussels.
In recent years there has been a welcome revival of legitimism, with the annual commemoration of the Bourbon cause in Civitella del Tronto, the last stronghold to surrender to the usurpers. The Grand Duke Sigismund of Tuscany was made an honorary citizen of the city of Grosseto, where he received an enthusiastic welcome and taken around the historic carriage of state. These are true patriotism in revolt against the dominion of Rome and Brussels. The legitimate Italian is subsidiarity in action. It 's a common cause of all those who hate the bureaucracy in Brussels atheist. Related posts
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Introvigne on his article The five faces of Islam and the key to the future of Egypt says
(...) .. a penalty , moderate Muslims do not exist. Travel the length and breadth of the Muslim-majority countries, from Morocco to Malaysia, I've never met one. Conversely, in Italy I had many difficulties to meet a Muslim who does not claim to be "moderate" .. (...)
If "we use three criteria proposed in his travels to Turkey by Pope Benedict XVI and the Holy Land as a condition for dialogue with Islam - unconditional rejection of terrorism (which means that not only condemns Hamas and the Al Qaeda), respect for human rights in generally, including those of women, freedom of religious minorities not only as freedom of worship but also the mission, resulting in the Law of the Muslim who adheres to this preaching to convert to Christianity - and call it "moderate" who meets these criteria , are not "moderate" or the king of Saudi Arabia nor the Muslim Brotherhood, or Bin Laden. But while we come to this necessary Finally, we notice that the grid that divides a half billion Muslims into "moderates" and "terrorists" is blatantly inappropriate, because it puts on the same side of cutthroat profession and sworn enemies of Al Qaeda as Saudi King Abdullah and pro-American and anti-American, a distinction in the Middle East and elsewhere is not just irrelevant. "(...) (Introvigne)
the point is that the secularists have a sense of progress that mystified by the fact even to survive his own idea, to the point of giving all responsibility of the current conflict "to misunderstandings, "the history and sociology and even the church ... while a dialogue is possible only deepening their own idendità .
But if you do this, IF IT IS FOR DIALOGUE, you should not assume that the result is peace, why can not be imposed from the person moves .
And the opposite of peace is war, but not necessarily be the patience of a true relationship.
You can not always think of the interlocutor who acts in a certain way because they did not understand. This indeed it is offensive.
So first of all should keep in mind what the dialogue with another man. dialogue with a man who did not accept the truth revealed, and has instead embraced uun'altra faith should necessarily be tricky. True, but shrewd. Respectful but shrewd. Instead there are those who thinks he can solve all by showing its good intentions, continue to live in sin. But it is precisely in this division with Islam: Our company is a chaotic and schizophrenic, separated at home, would wonder what he has to give ... and what's valuable and recognized as a widespread mentality. ? Our laws and the structure of our society will be our ruin if not born a human being, that is genuinely religious.
Originally published at forbidden to speak. Any Please leave comments there.
... is a blatant example of good preaching away from home and roam bad home ...
tells us the Second Protocol , 's article by Miriam Bolaffi:
E 'paradoxical that while the Egyptian people to the streets to protest the Mubarak regime, two Islamic regimes known for their systematic violations of Human Rights, Turkey and Iran, some organizations that call themselves "humanitarian" subsidized by Islamic governments, decide not to come out to ask for more rights in Egypt, but to ask for the establishment of an Islamic regime and to demand a departure from its traditional impartiality of Egypt against Israel.
Yesterday in Turkey, without any media in Europe he has spoken, two so-called "Organization for the Defence of Human Rights" have demonstrated outside the Egyptian embassy in Ankara to ask for the killing of Mubarak and the establishment of an Islamic regime in Egypt. The militants Association of Human Rights and Solidarity for Oppressed Peoples (Mazlum-DER) and the Revolutionary Socialist Workers' Party (DSİP) h years shouted anti-Mubarak and his policies, which provides, among other things, a relationship of peace with Israel .
not have asked for more rights in Egypt, have not applied for press freedom in Egypt or the release of political prisoners. No, they burned Israeli flags by calling the Arab people for a general uprising against "the Zionist dogs." (...)
The other face of the so-called struggle for Human Rights in Egypt and Iran. I know, it's incredible but true. Of course, the reasons are the same as pushing the "activists" Turkish, so there is nothing noble, but if possible the situation is even more evident. R esults ridiculous (...) Ayatollah Khamenei, who has endorsed the bloody crackdown of Iran's post-vote, which led to the killing and imprisonment of hundreds of young Iranians who sought more rights peacefully, go on TV and talk about "self-directed" . (..)
If there really was a demand for rights is not primarily seek to establish an Islamic regime that human rights would have nothing to do .
(bold and underlining: vietatoparlare.it)
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"The army is at war, but the country is not," says David M. Kennedy, historian of Stanford University, "we managed to create an armed force that can be involved in a deadly conflict very much without the company that is fighting if they know it. The result is that the politicians so they can venture into military action on the fact that civil society will not be too disturbed. "
Originally published at forbidden to speak. Any Please leave comments there.
said Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel Prize for economics in Rome interview: 'It is a paradox absurd to you in Europe, an irony of history. Can not you see? Governments have contracted many debts to save the financial system, the central bank keep rates low to help him recover as well as encourage them to return. And what does big business? Use low rates of interest to speculate against the governments debt. They can make money on the disaster that they themselves have created. "
And what is discussed here in Italy? On how to further pull the belt, how to put on other charges, "we must reduce the debt pubbblico-so, we must do to ensure a future for your children .." say so, without ever decide to radically change the rules.
The public debt is not only due to a debt "inherited", or welfare as they want us to believe, m to the mismanagement and the crazy stock market operations and the European Central Bank (whose shareholders are private), and by their decisions not to regulate where they must regulate. E 'produced by distorted thinking and mechanisms that put a priority speculation and that increase the power of a few and not the people, the general welfare of the people. The debt is also generated by the work being shifted abroad and goods that we produce but who cares. The debt is generated by an outlook that focuses on profit and power and not the human person.
The European central banks to "save €" to keep the stability of the currency, they prefer us to pay the debt that is generated artificially and in times of crisis, for example, do not allow you to enter more liquidity and to revive the economy and consumption. Instead "lend" money that countries will have to borrow to pay it back. We have seen with some European countries and especially in countries Africans, we have seen what they are reduced with our "loving" care, producers of raw materials we buy for a song, recipients of gifts that are enriching oligarchic government, such interventions do not give the possibility of emancipation in society civil.
speculative mentality does not change, so also in our country: first place in the minds of these people is not to create work and jobs, educating its tradition, by empowering people, making her part with a prospect of improvement but you always set short-term goals, especially known one thing: pay. Pay and then reclaim it with interest, as long as entire economies will have to pay for much of the GDP, the debt to that loan. Ours is an economy based on debt rather must be an economy that must be based on the job. Because banks to large companies (see Alitalia) is low rates and small businesses (real wealth of the country) is enormous rate? How the state has encouraged families in recent years? Families are the most affected were from within and from without discouraging them. On what basis do you think the economy?
While the work in economics is the real wealth, not only in economics but in real life while in the robbery of wealth is evidently not the work that is enriching, if anything, is the work of others.
The work must return to the real wealth of the country. And everyone should be able to see the fruit of their hands. Instead perverse mechanisms are in place that not even seem to want to stop the policy or regulation, easier to ask for sacrifices from all "if not, who will be your children, what future will you give him" they say ... The
we see their good faith: as long as there will be speculation also the financial price of wheat, cereals, as happened in Tunisia or Egypt, sparking popular revolts, not just only reduce the public debt.
is not the scarcity of some countries to have tripled in 15 years, grain prices, but by the big chains that rich countries' agricultural subtract months for the product to the global market to drive up prices surreptitiously, all because they have bet on the upside the stock market. All this is criminal. Why on these things known as an ignorant, department of finance and politics are not involved? Why does not regulate on such a sensitive matter? Because the G20 or who duty not to intervene? Who gains? What you need then ask sacrifices if the work is real or not real just better for the poor!
should cover all looking man, the man who can not be explained by whether, for this you need to rethink our institutions.
Accountability is the only thing that can save the economy of our country. Too many things are done on the backs of citizens. Enormous waste and irresponsible. It is plain to all, and unacceptable waste not talking about the politicians but an unnecessary, non-economic transactions, the wrong choices. Especially
must establish new rules because it was desired to globalization but the rules have not changed and it is chaos, the poor have increased. needed reforms and new challenges can not be tackled with the mentality of yesterday. We must have the courage to change. And some to resist, and will not accept to die in another country (such as Mubarak says these days), do not leave. The federal system had to be done from the beginning of the Unification of Italy, made only because Italy is shaped like a boot. Today, the watchword is integrated and uniform without asking on what.
Originally published at forbidden to speak. Any Please leave comments there.
samizdatonline reflects a realistic assessment of the monthly Track:
Resume Tracce.it this beautiful article that offers a very concrete answer to the question and dismay of many Italians today. SamizdatOnLine
"Awe." He used this term, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, to mention the events that occupy the front pages for days. It is a real word. Just look at us, to notice. Surprising that the first effect that has on us this avalanche of mud and chaos. Before the repulsive with the squalor that is afloat. Before the rebellion made way for a political battle and a judicial investigation, which is putting the good of all. Maybe even before the anger and the punishment for a country that would need far and finds himself mired in bungabunga and annizero. Before all this, or at least in all this, if we are loyal to the backlash that has really name: shock .
Or, malaise. Discomfort. For a way of dealing with things and people of her sad, and made even more bitter when accompanied by the illusion of power everything, including escape from time. For the lie to those who wait "to change our lives" is any bag full of Euros, in return pocketed maybe giving yourself pushing or elbowing your daughter to do it. And also how to use it for anything to attack an opponent who has not managed to put down by force of votes and elections. Sex, money and politics. 'Lust, Wear and Power, "as Eliot said. After all, the story is always there. The eternal temptation, of all time and for all.
course, the investigation is clear. Are there elements of an offense (offense, sin: that, until proven otherwise, does not apply to pm), are investigated, and quickly. Just as it is urgent that everyone returns to do his job, that politicians, judges and media defer to the common good - a vocation which largely are losing - rather than "stretch pitfalls," as recalled Cardinal Bagnasco, adding that "from this situation will derive no reason to rejoice or to be the winner." Let us not lose this opportunity to take seriously that initial backlash, that trouble. Do not let's move on - or not let us move - the eternal "moral issue", inconsistency, on human frailty.
Be very serious, to be taken into account, but after arriving, because basically we know that it is difficult to get in the shoes of those who cast the first stone. A moment earlier, however, there is uneasiness, restlessness deep. Which, if taken seriously, leads to a question: who can save us from this? Who can get us out of a depressing so we treat ourselves and others? Is there anything that can fill my life more than sex, money and power, or anything that we can reduce our desire for happiness? Someone able to attract all of us to him, because - finally - enough to our hearts? Who can save humanity by Berlusconi, who's running around, who gives him - and mine, here and now? The salvation, the fullness of humanity, will not be politics if ever there was need for confirmation. Or by the courts. But who, then?