Originally published at forbidden to speak. Any Please leave comments there.
this morning I saw a report about Haiti on RAI 2, there are like the day after the earthquake in a tent with open sewers, with 4,000 deaths from cholera, with the violence that has highest peaks, the one that has been done is only to NGOs that are in place.
The money will be used for reconstruction and offered contracts to foreign companies are all gone. So no chance for Haitians to work and be entered to build their destiny. They could not participate in these contracts because the requirements (financial viability, deposits guarantors etc ...) automatically exclude firms in Haiti. So the money will be back where they came from. The working group to decide how to spend the money met only three times, just turned off the lights ...
looking at these things that sadness, that rebellion, I wonder "why?" But now we governed not only by dictators but from sin, from its corruption, spread across the board in places that count, which inhibits any attempt to change too honest, you have to do with one thousand rules, all designed for profit and domination that continues to change takes time .. yes, yes you need the patience of decades, the patience of a real education of the people, abandoned for too long, a Christian revival, to change the rules . Inside and outside Italy, because we have many parties "values", but almost anyone who is not corrupt in his heart. Only those who trust the Father is not corrupt in his heart, only those who are humble in heart, only those who are obedient.
Today my son 17 years old at lunch, she knew nothing of what's happening in Tunisia, Egypt .... there was the assembly at school and since the management had decided that those who left the assembly hall was returning to class, having arguments, and not wanting to return to class, students have organized the election of "Miss school & # 8220; ... Do not worry or rush moral teachings, now only "discharged" from "culture" treated and handled as dry grass ... and I wish to instill in students from apathy and outside.
Therefore, dear friends we must remain united in Christ and feel all the responsibility this time asking us, that faith becomes a court anywhere, even in jokes and fun, if we do everywhere. Why are not made to be slaves.
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