Originally published at forbidden to speak. Any Please leave comments there.
noted that while in other cases "every opportunity we can" to burn an American flag, something like that still did not see and hear only "Down with Mubarak, Down with the regime, "no hostile action or protest in front of U.S. embassy or other countries is reported in the media nor the international press. But in a friendly country that owes much to the financial support of the U.S. is not so strange ... and I'm not sorry, the disorders are not as "unrest" if you make specific demands, and if requests are legitimate.
The protest, it was reported by the media as the protesters themselves say, was triggered primarily by a devastating policy of austerity that starts from the date of participation in the 1991 Gulf War, an era in which the ' Egypt negotiated in exchange for his participation in the debt cancellation, Second was generated by an oppressive power, is force in fact a very repressive law of national emergency which wiped out every year by protecting people (source: Amnesty: http://www.amnesty.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/ 342)
A new government was formed and is composed entirely of general (the vertices are close to the U.S. Army). By themselves, if the transition is not a bad thing, if you will as soon as possible new elections.
But for the first time tonight on TV I saw the "Muslim Brotherhood" come into play, but in the country contrary to tell us how the TV does not represent Muslims as extremists and its participants are most professionals. They now exert a relatively "moderate" in the country between the government and extremist groups engaged in armed struggle, at least after the harsh repression after the failed assassination of Nasser in the 60 '(A Since 1969, the Muslim Brotherhood began to distance itself from radical positions, thus abandoning the idea of armed struggle), but would like a sectarian government. ( http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fratelli_musulmani ).
seems clear, however, that the recipe adopted liberal and autocratic gave bad fruit in Egypt, for this reason it is desirable to consider other economic models, more ethical, a new organization of society. It is clear that the U.S. will not have escaped all this and I think you do not be surprised by a second "Iranian Revolution", and then try to prevent it.
E 'undeniable that many people within the protest movement, count on the support of the U.S., rightly trying to carve out a role in this affair. It would be silly otherwise. Already on January 13 Hilary Clinton has turned to Arab leaders urging them to give more freedom to their citizens. However, it is strange because in 2006, Rumsfeld, then Secretary of Defense praised Ben Ali in Tunisia to progress in society ...
Basically the U.S. has removed the support for Mubarak, but how possible? Mubarak is 30 years which are actively supported by the U.S., called several times as "the best ally" ... No wonder the U.S. has often prefixed support for autocratic and unpopular governments for realpolitik and economic interests and geopolitical military (the U.S. provides weapons to $ 1.3 billion a year http://www.dirittodicritica.com/2011/01/29/egitto-armi-usa-stati-uniti-12388 /), but they did say "hold your nose" ; and so while some foundations seem to USA, Egypt, contemporeanamente subsidized and supported the creation of an opposition.
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