Monday, January 31, 2011

C Hampton Silversmiths

hope for true peace in Egypt

Originally published at forbidden to speak. Any Please leave comments there.

noted that while in other cases "every opportunity we can" to burn an American flag, something like that still did not see and hear only "Down with Mubarak, Down with the regime, "no hostile action or protest in front of U.S. embassy or other countries is reported in the media nor the international press. But in a friendly country that owes much to the financial support of the U.S. is not so strange ... and I'm not sorry, the disorders are not as "unrest" if you make specific demands, and if requests are legitimate.

The protest, it was reported by the media as the protesters themselves say, was triggered primarily by a devastating policy of austerity that starts from the date of participation in the 1991 Gulf War, an era in which the ' Egypt negotiated in exchange for his participation in the debt cancellation, Second was generated by an oppressive power, is force in fact a very repressive law of national emergency which wiped out every year by protecting people (source: Amnesty: 342)

A new government was formed and is composed entirely of general (the vertices are close to the U.S. Army). By themselves, if the transition is not a bad thing, if you will as soon as possible new elections.

But for the first time tonight on TV I saw the "Muslim Brotherhood" come into play, but in the country contrary to tell us how the TV does not represent Muslims as extremists and its participants are most professionals. They now exert a relatively "moderate" in the country between the government and extremist groups engaged in armed struggle, at least after the harsh repression after the failed assassination of Nasser in the 60 '(A Since 1969, the Muslim Brotherhood began to distance itself from radical positions, thus abandoning the idea of armed struggle), but would like a sectarian government. ( ).

seems clear, however, that the recipe adopted liberal and autocratic gave bad fruit in Egypt, for this reason it is desirable to consider other economic models, more ethical, a new organization of society. It is clear that the U.S. will not have escaped all this and I think you do not be surprised by a second "Iranian Revolution", and then try to prevent it.

E 'undeniable that many people within the protest movement, count on the support of the U.S., rightly trying to carve out a role in this affair. It would be silly otherwise. Already on January 13 Hilary Clinton has turned to Arab leaders urging them to give more freedom to their citizens. However, it is strange because in 2006, Rumsfeld, then Secretary of Defense praised Ben Ali in Tunisia to progress in society ...

Basically the U.S. has removed the support for Mubarak, but how possible? Mubarak is 30 years which are actively supported by the U.S., called several times as "the best ally" ... No wonder the U.S. has often prefixed support for autocratic and unpopular governments for realpolitik and economic interests and geopolitical military (the U.S. provides weapons to $ 1.3 billion a year /), but they did say "hold your nose" ; and so while some foundations seem to USA, Egypt, contemporeanamente subsidized and supported the creation of an opposition.

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Writing 1st Year Death Anniversary Invitation

photocopies or mortgage?

  • Adams, S. The Art of the Pre-Raphaelites. London: Apple Press, 1988.
  • Barnes, Rachel. The Pre-Raphaelites and their world. London : Tate Gallery, 1998.
  • Bartram, Michael. The Pre-Raphaelite camera: aspects of Victorian photography. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1989.
  • Bartram, Michael. Pre-Raphaelite photography: an exhibition. London: British Council, c1983.
  • Bennett, M. Artists of the Pre-Raphaelite Circle: The First Generation. London: Lund Humphries, 1988.
  • Bowness, Alan. The Pre-Raphaelites. London: Tate Gallery/Penguin Books, c1984.
  • Bryden, Inga. The Pre-Raphaelites: writings and sources. London: Routledge, 1998.
  • Clark-Amor, A. William Holman Hunt: The True Pre-Raphaelite. London: Constable, 1989.
  • Daly, G. Pre-Raphaelites In Love. Glasgow: Fontana, 1990.
  • Engen, Rodney K. Pre-Raphaelite prints : the graphic art of Millais, Holman Hunt, Rossetti and their followers. London : Lund Humphries, 1995.
  • Faxon, A.C. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Oxford: Phaidon Press, 1989.
  • Harding, Ellen. Re-framing the Pre-Raphaelites : historical and theoretical essays.Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1996.
  • Harrison, M. & Waters, B. Burne-Jones. London: Barrie & Jenkins, 1973.
  • Hilton, T. The Pre-Raphaelites. London: Thames & Hudson, 1970.
  • Holman-Hunt, W. Pre-Raphaelitism and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Volumes 1 & 2, 1905.
  • Marsh, Jan and Nunn, Pamela Gerrish. Women artists and the Pre-Raphaelite movement. London : Virago, 1989.
  • Millais, J.G. The Life and Letters of Sir John Everett Millais. London, 1899.
  • Ovenden, Graham. Pre-Raphaelite. London: Academy Editions, 1984.
  • Parris, L. (ed.) The Pre-Raphaelite Papers. London: Allen Lane, 1984.
  • Parris, L. (ed.) The Pre-Raphaelites. London: Tate Gallery Publications, 1984.
  • Read, Benedict. Pre-Raphaelite sculpture: nature and imagination in British sculpture 1848-1914. London: Henry Moore Foundation/Lund Humphries, 1991.
  • Rose, Andrea. The Pre-Raphaelites. London: Phaidon, 1992.
  • Rose, Andrea. Pre-Raphaelite portraits. Yeovil: Oxford Illustrated Press, c1981.
  • Sambrook, J. (ed.) Pre-Raphaelitism: A Collection of Critical Essays. London: University of Chicago, 1974.
  • Staley, Allen. The Pre-Raphaelite landscape. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1973.
  • Surtees, V. Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1828-1882: The Paintings and Drawings: A Catalogue Raisonné. Volumes 1 & 2. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971.
  • Treuherz, J. Pre-Raphaelite Paintings from Manchester City Art Galleries. Manchester City Art Gallery, 1993.
  • Watkinson, R. Pre-Raphaelite Art & Design. London: Trefoil, 1990.
  • Waugh, E * . Rossetti, His Life and Works. London: Duckworth, 1928.
  • Wilson, Simon. What is Pre-Raphaelitism? London: Tate Gallery, c1984.
  • Wood, Christopher. The Pre-Raphaelites. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1983.
just start researching this:
Holman-Hunt, W. Pre-Raphaelitism and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.
I have the feeling that Want to be a * * I'll take to the grave.

* curious .. if E. stands for Edith, Edith Waugh, means that not only Hunt's second wife also wrote a book about her husband's gang, but also the person who made possible his marriage.
if there had been half of Rossetti, Hunt was married to Annie Miller (WHY 'I say so, IT WAS REALLY SO') and his sister and then her.

small tribute to the great theo, another lovely maniac, who yesterday left for ever the cast of American Idiot: (

now at least we will see, histrionic spectral and comic, from shadow to make the lea michele at every gala. THEO
LUV YA! I'll miss you even though I've never seen or will ever see american idiot live: ((not with my kids .. I still hope for a move to the west end .. with a few familiar faces fingerscrossed * *)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Brown Hair Highlights 2010

Risorgimento Plebisciti: just a nice word

Originally published at forbidden to speak. Any Please leave comments there.

Published on the Rudder No 28, November / December 2003

1860 plebiscites organized in Italy for half express the popular will of annexation to Piedmont. The then chief of police policy admits falsifying results. Death threat to printers that print the cards were contrary to the annexation. A real scam.

Angela Pellicciari

must say that the story of the unification of Italy built by the Savoy and the Liberals, in the name of the Constitution and freedom, has been well told. And even better repeated. The people - they said (and continues to repeat) - "groaned" under the yoke of papal and Bourbon misrule. The people, therefore, were freed and Victor Emmanuel was there ready for the occasion. Strong heart and noble, the King of Sardinia would moved only because it touched by the crying of those (all Italians) who rightly aspire to a life as free men and not slaves. This legend, I said, has been touted with care. Sin is fundamentally false. Prior to invade (without declaring war, and always denying, as in the South, its direct participation in the company) one after the other Italian States, the Piedmont-Sardinian government has ensured that future " spontaneous uprising "in favor of the Savoy. It was the proper name of the King of Savoy in front of Italian public opinion and foreign.

He writes Joseph Farina, right arm of Cavour, In a letter to Philip Bartholomew: "It is necessary that the work is started by the people: the Piedmont will be called, but never before. If it did, you would cry to win, and you would shoot on European coalition. " King Vittorio Emanuele - continued - said: "I can not lay my dictatorship on the people who do not m'invocano, neck and stars give quiet diplomacy excuse to say I'm happy with the government that they have. "

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Marilyn Monroe Shower Curtain

Risorgimento: The suppression of religious orders. A 150 years from

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Article published reviews and - February 15, 2002

It was hoped to fund with the proceeds of those expropriations new wars against the Pope and especially against Austria

Roberto Cavalli

"The Wreck of the cloisters. Convents of Otranto between Bourbon and Savoy suppression "is the title of the book (Besa Publisher) Oronzo Mazzotta which throws some 'light, with archival data in hand, on a little known chapter of our history of the Risorgimento.

Even in Italy it all begins with the French Revolution and the subsequent Napoleonic invasion of the Peninsula. Takes place, in small states giacobinizzati, a continuation of the legislation in France had hit the Catholic Church. Only in the Land of Otranto, which is considered the geographic scope of the book, Joachim Murat in 1809 wiped 165 convents of men and women (almost 86% of the total!): & # 8220, and sent home more than 900 religious, priests and lay people, and confiscated all goods, furniture and real estate. "

With the Bourbon restoration in 1818 the agreement was signed between the Holy See of Terracina and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. With this treaty a part of the stolen assets to the religious orders were returned to the Church, even though many homes and land had already been sold to private citizens and thus had become difficult to recover. It was still an undeniable trend reversal, and although the spirit of the Enlightenment and of the tribunal shall not leave completely immune to the Neapolitan court, was in fact enshrined in and guaranteed full religious freedom for the Catholic communities of Southern Italy.

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Ohio Pick 3 Most Common


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taken from Il Foglio, 26 September 2009

Francis Agnoli

150 Unit are preparing for the celebrations. Only this time, due to the economic crisis, the funds are few, and then the river of rhetoric in payment we may not drown. Epper, without thinking at all unlikely to nostalgia, it's just pack it with myths founders. Otherwise you do not understand anything about our recent history of mass emigration post unitary aggravation of banditry in the south, the policy of Giolitti to the south of the country, the participation of Italy in that 'needless slaughter " that was World War I, the excessive power of Turin and lamb in Italian history, the accession of the southern populace to fascism, which often saw more attention to their needs; the birth of the League in Sicily after the Second World War before, and the League of Veneto and Lombardy in the north, then finally, the party of the south which is spoken today.


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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cross Country Sayings

Year Zero

Originally published at forbidden to speak. Any Please leave comments there.

this morning I saw a report about Haiti on RAI 2, there are like the day after the earthquake in a tent with open sewers, with 4,000 deaths from cholera, with the violence that has highest peaks, the one that has been done is only to NGOs that are in place.
The money will be used for reconstruction and offered contracts to foreign companies are all gone. So no chance for Haitians to work and be entered to build their destiny. They could not participate in these contracts because the requirements (financial viability, deposits guarantors etc ...) automatically exclude firms in Haiti. So the money will be back where they came from. The working group to decide how to spend the money met only three times, just turned off the lights ...

looking at these things that sadness, that rebellion, I wonder "why?" But now we governed not only by dictators but from sin, from its corruption, spread across the board in places that count, which inhibits any attempt to change too honest, you have to do with one thousand rules, all designed for profit and domination that continues to change takes time .. yes, yes you need the patience of decades, the patience of a real education of the people, abandoned for too long, a Christian revival, to change the rules . Inside and outside Italy, because we have many parties "values", but almost anyone who is not corrupt in his heart. Only those who trust the Father is not corrupt in his heart, only those who are humble in heart, only those who are obedient.

Today my son 17 years old at lunch, she knew nothing of what's happening in Tunisia, Egypt .... there was the assembly at school and since the management had decided that those who left the assembly hall was returning to class, having arguments, and not wanting to return to class, students have organized the election of "Miss school & # 8220; ... Do not worry or rush moral teachings, now only "discharged" from "culture" treated and handled as dry grass ... and I wish to instill in students from apathy and outside.

Therefore, dear friends we must remain united in Christ and feel all the responsibility this time asking us, that faith becomes a court anywhere, even in jokes and fun, if we do everywhere. Why are not made to be slaves.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Zatch Bell Mamodo Spells

Issues ... style?

Lately I often run into the term of "style". There is an entry in the contest score that makes reference to the "style" by participating in some comments I happened to hear me say "I like your style." Yesterday, in my history book engraving I came across a number of times the term "style".
It's always nice to be told of having "style", and studying art history, are often used to meet the deadline in books, essays and lectures. But then I thought and I asked a question, maybe stupid, that I never post, because the term is almost everyday, what is style?

directly from the On-line Dictionary of Heopli:
[the estimated]
sm (pl.-li )
1, complex characters and linguistic and formal means of expression that characterize the mode of expression of a person or 'literary work of an author, group, school, a literary trend: s. plan, resigned, solemn, elevated, refined, s. silenced, veristic
‖ complex character that distinguish the expression of a composer's music, school, of an era: the s. Wagner
‖ character set, the forms, aesthetic elements that characterize a work painting, architecture, sculpture, artist, school, a trend of an era: s. impressionistic; s. Neoclassical S. of Flemish painting.

not very enlightening, I must say.
It certainly does not help the meager explanation comes from the Italian Wikipedia. The English brings me back a number of components that "make" style ( here If you are interested).
I am even more confused than before.
The fact is this: if one has what everyone calls "style", if this "style" was recognized, then this person has the right to get angry as a snake when you do not receive the laurel crown and the prize LeBon (anagram anagram) for Ficcyna?
Yes, okay, apart from that: who can tell me what style? And what is really in the evaluation of a story?

NB Do not mind me too, are in full SPM: D

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ah Sugar Sugar Lexington Sc

After Tunisia, Egypt in revolt

Originally published at forbidden to speak. Any Please leave comments there.

In Egypt 60% of the population is under 30 years and 90% of its unemployed. Would not call it civil war but a "revolution." Why people are hungry and the money is in the hands of elites. But then there are the U.S., Egypt is a key ally to Washington. But with the U.S. arsenal that can make a million dead in a moment but can do nothing against a million people in revolt. What will perhaps is what is trying to do in Tunisia, somehow trying to point the thing in a democratic process, and then make all a bit 'less poor, with maybe four football games a week so as not to people think nor revolutions, nor to another and making unsatisfied but with much to lose. But anything can happen.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To French Kiss In Diagrams

Originally published at forbidden to speak. Any Please leave comments there.

There is a frightening laugh. And 'what we do when we see someone get hurt. Banana peels. Somersaults and tumbles. The comedy of the past, the circus clown.

But, on closer inspection, if the fall was true: that the vertebrae are broken, broken bones, blood trickling down, pain.

It makes it fun, if you think about it. Unless you really want to hurt the victim, the victim of your laughter.


TV satire that offends

I am a priest I'm tired of mud

a priest. A priest of the Catholic Church. One of the many Italian priests. I am following with interest and anxiety the story of my country. Not having a magic wand to solve the problems facing Italy, I do my duty because there is around in less than a few tears and some smiles more.

am a man who like so many struggle, suffer, hope. Who strives every day to be more human and less animal. I am a man who respects everyone and asks to be respected. That does not offend and would appreciate not being insulted, discredited. From anyone. Unnecessarily. Publicly. Cowardly.

I am a priest who works and can give joy, bread, hope to so many people mistreated, ignored, held on the sidelines. A priest who loves his Church and the Pope A priest who does not want the privileges and does not claim to be Christian who does not want, that will never be pulled back to give a hand to those who believe not.

A priest who, before Mass in the evening, burn incense in the church to remove the stench given off by the tons of rubbish accumulated over the years on the edge of the parish in a so-called cdr and that is increasing in recent days.

am a priest who gets angry for the inefficiencies of the state against the weak and defenseless. Which organizes after-school care for children that the school fails to interest and pay the bills of light and gas because the homes of the poor do not become slums. I am a priest, not a pedophile.

the world know that there are men who have an interest in children and, as a man, I would die of shame. I know that they are a lot more than they believe the gullible. I also know little or nothing has been done for groped to understand and treat MISUSE curse.

sores pedophilia. Frightening. Cruel. Shameful. Among those who were guilty Of this crime, there are fathers, uncles, grandparents, professionals, workers, young, old and even priests.

Thursday evening, transmission Annozero Michele Santoro. Many Italians watching the program. It discusses Silvio Berlusconi. At the end comes, as usual, Mr. Vauro with his cartoons, which should make everyone laugh and instead often mortify and kill many innocent soul. But we should not say. It is politically incorrect. It's satire. The new idol before which to bow. The satire, which is given the right to some say, offend, smear, slander others without the risk of any kind. A cartoon represents the Holy Father who spoke to Mr Berlusconi said: "If he likes both the minors, he can always make you a priest." The others, including Michele Santoro, laughing. What is there to laugh I can not understand it. But they are like that, and laugh. They laugh a terrible tragedy of innocent people and raped. They laugh at me and my brothers around the world committed themselves to carry the cross with those who can not do it alone. They laugh, knowing that so many people watching television at that moment you feel offended in what he holds most dear and suffering. Suffers from the Holy Father and offended because the lie, that does not want to die, still manages to triumph. To beat Berlusconi, reference is made to slander. And the others laugh.

I go to bed disappointed and saddened, more and more convinced that the slander and lies - as decrepit as the witch or the inventions of some Battut and some haughty journalist-TV presenter - you can never build anything new, stable . The next day I discovered that the RAI, finally, someone has run this time outraged. I just hope now Vauro and Santoro and someone else that I do not remember do not, they, the victims. And that in Italy there is more than someone who starts to come forward and, without laughing, says flatly that you can not with impunity continue to tarnish the honest citizens of Italy and the world who are priests.

Maurizio Patriciello

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Long Does It Take To Get Std

a laugh to bury his left for the common good

Originally published at forbidden to speak. Any Please leave comments there.

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Joe's Tattoos Philippines

ideal future (?)


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Vegetarian Option In Wedding Invitation

SAMIZDATONLINE: The last act of tangentopoli

Originally published at forbidden to speak. Any Please leave comments there.

on all media bounces "serious confusion" and "concern" is described as the privacy the Prime Minister on the basis of thousands of wiretaps published in recent days. A representation yet to verify its authenticity. Do not make that much noise dismay and concern about the ease with which certain judges exercising their mandate. The "special treatment" reserved for Silvio Berlusconi by some public prosecutors no longer makes the headlines, but the problem exists and is serious.

"[...] I confess that I feel a strong sense of unease in the face of ` huge deployment of funds and resources of men and fielded by the magistrates to know the details of the parties and small parties of Berlusconi (certainly not in keeping with the lifestyle of a prime minister), in a country like ours, where organized crime has the weight that has and which should be focused, I think, all the efforts (especially if the resources available to the judiciary are so limited, as we are told). [...] Harms the judiciary suspect that when it comes to Berlusconi, it loses its sense of proportion. "(Joseph Bedell, Il Corriere della Sera, January 21, 2011)

" We are a final showdown between the powers. The operation conducted by the judiciary points to the annihilation of a person through the method and not through the substance of an investigation that is strictly political and has very little justice. No one believes that will be established sensational crimes and, as has been set, it will be very difficult to obtain convictions. Through the close relationship between the courts and what is left of Italian journalism the current operation was clearly a single purpose: to weaken and eliminate the prime minister. So, I must say that, unfortunately, we are entering a phase subversive. " (Piero Sansonetti, The , January 19, 2011)

"The British agency Reuters - mind you, English, a country where the presumption of innocence is written in the tradition, in costume, in history, before the law - in giving the news of the charges Berlusconi, also revealed the source from which he had learned: sources close to the same investigators. Even here I do not want the merits of the allegations. I will just mention that, for now, waiting for the judiciary to define its nature through a series of factual evidence in court, everything that appears in the media is that the lapels of the ' investigated "Berlusconi was applied moral stigma and that this, then what is the outcome of a trial, is already sufficient to have tarnished the image and reputation. & # 8221; (Piero Ostellino, The Corriere della Sera, January 17, 2011)

Certainly, Mr Berlusconi would do well to listen to those who suggested that institutions should maintain a high office, sober lifestyle. However its way doubt that some allegations are impossible to prove, and then be leaked to the interception infamous "regardless" of how the investigation will end .


I was taught to condemn sin, not the sinner. So, despite everything, I prefer to be with those who do evil, but continues to call him that with those who not only does evil, but calls it good, and complains that the Church does not yet have adequate retrograde. Because the former can still repent, the second unlikely he will. Think they have nothing to ask forgiveness, nor any to ask. Screwtape

Related Items:
Tangentopoli last note: some thoughts troubled - Stranocristiano
Dear Democratic Party, allied with Berlusconi against the "coup" of newspapers and pm & # 8211; Sansonetti - The Subsidiary
The attack on individual liberties - Ostellino - Corriere della Sera
Catholic Appeal PDL: That morality is not Christian morality - The Velino
Clarity needed - Tarquinio - Future
Ruby case: the Pope, Bertone and Bagnasco - Sacri Palazzi
Where is the policy? and where is democracy? - Forbidden to talk
Reflections of a "devout atheist" - Giuliano Ferrara - Il Foglio
Given the methods used by prosecutors, anyone would be terrified to stand to lead Italy - Times

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Highlights 2010 For Dark Brown Hair

if a government must fall , fall for political action and not for the "bunga"!

Originally published at forbidden to speak. Any Please leave comments there.

in regard to the moral and legal issue raised by the Milan judges seem to me that two factors stand out: the improper use of democracy and the judiciary (self-proclaimed moralizing public) and the understanding of the policy of our government that puts objectively uncomfortable. Both are dangers, but as the indiscriminate use of the first port problems to the democratic nature of the system on which we depend for a living, the second can only be confirmed if the subject of a obvious personal evaluation. But if a government must fall, fall for political action and not for the bunga.
But I think the attention given to these things detrimental to our country because politics is not blocked and we can afford.

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Monday, January 17, 2011

Hughes Aircraft Retirement

Kink Meme Meme of 2010

The meme of fanfic written in 2010, finally! XD
start with a "short" list XD

Masterlist 2010
30/01 After all, the Moon is only a satellite (Harry Potter) 1.2
Priceless (The Tarot Cafe)
02/02 Nothing more (Angel Sanctuary)
02/02 not it time for us (and perhaps never will) (Harry Potter - spin-off of "The Ballad of the Golden Suns")
3.2 A gift ever given (Harry Potter - spin-off of "The Ballad of the Golden Suns ")
04/02 Creation (The Tarot Cafe) 2.5
Nomen Omen (Harry Potter) 2.6
In the end (Does it even matter) (Angel Sanctuary)
07 / 02 Issues ficcy (Harry Potter) 2.9
Not yet, not yet (The Tarot Cafe) 9.2
Perfection (Harry Potter) 10/02
Love Dolls (The Tarot Cafe )
11/02 Even a Creature Dark can fall in love (Ouran Host Club) Frosty
12/02 (Harry Potter) 14/02
A smile of hope that knows (Harry Potter) 14/02
surprise encounter (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle)
14/02 Intermezzo Valentine (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle)
19/02 Fire (Harry Potter) 27/02
"Sirius, Albus Severus Met" (Harry Potter - spin-off of my AU )
01/03 precariously (Harry Potter - spin-off of "The Ballad of the Golden Suns")
06/03 Fasting (involuntary) (Honey & Clover)
10/03 Love has (The Tarot Cafe) 10/03
dog psychology (Harry Potter) 28/03
Running in circles (Harry Potter) 31/05
Water (Harry Potter)
10 / 06 Evergreen (Saint Seiya)
7.7 You Are you angry with me! (Harry Potter) 19/07
Chasing butterflies (Harry Potter) 22/07
The thin line (between going and going) (Saint Seiya)
23/07 Beware of tents! (Harry Potter) 5.8
The top15 of Sirius Black (Harry Potter) 24/08
Nightmare on waking (Gintama)
25/08 The Ballad of the Golden Suns ~ Luna (Harry Potter) 9.1
life debt (Harry Potter) 13/10
Your congratulations (Harry Potter) 19/10
In fascination (Harry Potter) 19/10
Variations on a theme (Harry Potter) 21/10
deluded (Harry Potter) 28/10
The smells of London (Harry Potter) 12/11
In you love , my salvation lies (Saint Seiya)
22/11 fiction (Harry Potter)
25/11 (Hello, I've Waited for you here) Everlong (Harry Potter)
01/12 (10 m or that "Denial") (X - spin-off AU A place to call home of [info] michiru_kaiou7 )
02/12 Collapses (The Tarot Cafe) 03/12
How to break ... the idyll (The Tarot Cafe) 03/12
Good Non-Birthday (Harry Potter) 03/12
Designed failed (Harry Potter) 03/12
The boy came from nowhere (Harry Potter) 04/12
Laughing (Harry Potter) 05/12
Smiling (Harry Potter) 06/12
Something tiny (Saint Seiya)
07/12 Something special (Harry Potter) 08/12
Crying (Harry Potter) 08/12
A glass of water and two flowers (Harry Potter) 09/12
The Snowman (The Tarot Café) 15/12
Crumbs (harry Potter) 23/12
Relics (harry Potter) 25/12
to lack (harry Potter) 25/12
Ritagliami a piece of you (Harry Potter )
25/12 Only a caption (Harry Potter) 25/12
horrible experience to forget (Harry Potter) 27/12
Balance (Harry Potter - remix Harmless of [info] s0emme0s )

fanfiction My favorite among those I wrote in 2010: My favorite is probably "The top15 of Sirius Black" (which evidently a small error in the title, since it would be better to use a nice possessive case, but the damage is done XD). I do not know exactly why she, perhaps because it was so much waiting to come out, perhaps because it is an AU and I love the AU, perhaps because there is music and I love music. Or maybe because I am fascinated by the fact that Sirius fall in love with a voice - something fairly autobiographical that happened to me at least a couple of times XD maybe all of this.
My fanfiction best of 2010: very difficult to say. On the one hand I can think of "Running in circles," though not Wolfstar and, indeed, practically deny my OTP is all based on the canon. And for me that acting is all about the canon and runs just a little below it is a good fanfic. And we also put together the latest "crumbs" because she relies on the canon and goes beyond, tearing off bites the subtext that lurks between the lines.
The most underrated of all my fanfiction: I unfortunately do not have a clear perception of the thing, so I think a bit 'all My stories are undervalued because they have the 'disability' to be of Wolfstar or deal with unfamiliar fandom. But let's say that the Great underestimated for me is "The Ballad of the Golden Suns", because it can not be a story of the most beautiful I have written, can not be my favorite, but I feel that all the effort that it took me to create it After years of gestation, is not rewarded. But tastes are XD and patience
My fanfiction more fun: oh, certainly one that I enjoy most is "Sirius, Albus Severus Met," but also "a dark creature can love, too" has its own because it XD
My fanfiction sexy: call sexy XD no, ok, despite what others say (because I know that many are thinking of "dog psychology" or perhaps "In Fascination"), I think is the sexiest "The boy came from nowhere." Perhaps because Gellert was a great fascination for me, or maybe because every time I think of Regulus I also think the sensuality with which he presents to my mind. I do not know, for me it's you.
The fanfiction that is written on its own, regardless of my will: all those on Saint Seiya and Princess XD despite my initial reluctance to end the four stories have come out by themselves, in particular, "A Thin Line" & hearts , which I love especially among another.
My fanfiction that has completely turned my perception of the characters: I'm pretty sure that "It is time for us," because I discovered that Regulus there can be a real bitch when he wants to XD and why is there that I learned less afraid of Severus, and found that it can be extremely easy to manage if you put in front of the right people. With Regulus, for example, I always know how to operate, as well as confronted with Sirius, Remus with a things get complicated, because here are all taken by Remus manage that I forget to be careful but Snape XD: from the fanfic I discovered that Regulus is a slut and Severus, as it may seem strange, is not that monster I have always believed XD
The biggest surprise: maybe "Chasing butterflies", although I must say that the subject matter had, however, I expected some 'resonance, but perhaps even More "You Are you angry with me!" because I could not even snatch a comment Nykyo ( testimony. can not imagine how I keep it dear and close!). In short, it is very satisfying considering that we have two irreconcilable OTP, right? XD
The biggest disappointment uhm, I have great disappointment, because even when they are disappointed they are not ever completely (like if I have done a good job, are certainly met me, or when I think about not having enough "recognition" often have a wonderful comment that does seem to disappear all of my mind XD). But I must admit that I dealt with very badly the excellent idea of "life debt." And all at the expense of the poor [info] ernil_wtf that if it is still caught as a birthday gift.
My fanfiction worse assured that I would not have published the contrary: I would have just trashed if I had had a generally worse XD I think I have not written fanfic all the same height, there are stories that the second me are better than others, but there is not one that is worse than other. Those who are on a step further down are mediocre, but not so poor as to be the "worst". I have a great view of me and my stories, MBE? è_é
The most difficult to write fanfiction: oh, but surely "renewed" the bastard XDD Remus, the bastard patented ... Okay, you know, you regulars of my lj XD I must say that I also spit up blood "running in circles" perhaps because the prompt requires a certain pair and I always unconsciously trying to move towards my OTP XD was a work hard, but overall I was happy with the result, because I will continue to consider always an amiable chat with educated men XD
The fanfiction easier to write: all those stupid XD XD any fandom are those stupid are always the easiest to write XD
The awards in 2010: uh, no, but I won a lot of banner around which I do not want to hack to get here XD still believe in the word, ok? ♥

already finished, too bad XD

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Little White Worms In San Diego

since [info] miki_tr is back I roll off a cliff every time you XD deeper in the sense that the more I go down more she manages to stringers. Which will use mysterious powers have not yet discovered, but ...
Meme, because she needed a meme, and I am so there XD we invented another, to the delight of children and adults (and the kids to bed, please).
Introducing the wonderful Kink Meme.

rules of the game. I

- I make a list of kink that I'd like to read a list of kink and then I'm willing to write (if you're not very well versed in the field to go read these links: Wiki Kink, A world of kinks and for those who do not chew the English 50 Kinks, to do a bit 'of good publicity ♥);
- It is not necessary that the list is closed and complete the first draft, other kink may occur later.
- I wait for you to do your part, that:
- Respond with a comment to my post to tell me what you are willing to write and kink as kink you'd like to read. Together we agree to exchange a fanfic, choosing the pair and possibly adding a prompt.
- Now you can take the meme, put it on your lj and spread the disease kinkomane: D

Rules on this LJ.
As usual, if you're lucky you peck a whole story, otherwise you will have to settle for a scene ♥
It is also not told that I am compelled to write to the p0rn; au contraire, I can simply take the kink that I ask and develop it in a completely non-p0rn. How do we succeed? Why, so do not underestimate my distaste for p0rn XD

I'd like to read ... * Angry
-sex (where it becomes more of a fight, what else XD) * Stimulation
* Animal Behavior, is a dominant submissive
* Breath-play
* ♥ Bad boys
* * Coming without being touched (even with all the pants on him, indeed, better XD)
* D / s

* * Dirty talk Sexual fantasies
* Value * Dub-con (we avoid the non-con, on the contrary, I do not like)

* Spanking * Humiliation * UST

I could write ...
* * Dub-
accidental stimulation with
* Big age difference
Beauty * (I find that may be a kink, especially if it is so shocking to confuse the senses of the beholder)

Morsi * * clumsiness
* Exhibitionism / Voyeurism
* Value intercrurale
possessiveness and jealousy
* * * Seduction
triangles (not necessarily a threesome with consequent But ... ^ _ ^ Without)

* [info] miki_tr (by writing a Wolfstar stimulation accidental & clumsiness + an AU Gellert / Sirius dub-con, to receive a Wolfstar with D / s, a + beg and animal behavior Regulus / Remus / Sirius, D / s) *
[info] weeping_ice (by writing a Wolfstar or Severus / Regulus with Exhibitionism / Voyeurism or possesività and jealousy; to receive a Prince / Princess and a very low rating UST * _ *) *
[info] hikaruryu (by writing a Dean / Seamus with body painting and / or biting; to receive a James / Ted come without being touched or spanking or sexual fantasies)

Monday, January 10, 2011

How To Locate A Dupage County Inmate Online

Double SPAM! Meme

Dear f-list,
Tonight I have for you two indecent proposals, the first, on behalf of community [info] miki_tr and my [info] wolfstar_ita , namely:

Go and have fun ♥

The second part of Tessoro. It is a graphics context, so we can enjoy fiddling with Photoshop & company. Here is the post

Avviso Land of Immortals

General Rules 1. The logo will be inscribed in a confined space, where the frame will need to remember a cameo and / or a baroque frame, round, oval, square, whatever you want;
2. the colors chosen may be different, however, are preferred in soft pastel shades, including black and white is ok;
3. the theme must be connected to the BJD and / or Rome and / or meetings (eg, two dolls take their coffee in the shade of the Colosseum XD);
4. the logo can be designed or implemented by edit photos, however, must maintain an old fashioned style;
5. the logo is to present the image below or within it the words "Land of Immortals";
6. even the font chosen is to recall the old but to be both easy to read;
7. the name of the font used must be indicated in the email with the logo;
8. Each participant may submit more than one entry, there are no limits;
9. preferred formats are jpg, png and others that are compatible with all graphics programs;
10. logos must be submitted in high resolution.

You can send the entries from January 15 to February 15, 2011 at resinrome email [@] writing header [contest logo] and putting the links in the body of the email, or adding logos attached

From February 16 to 25 consultation will be among the moderators, the winner will be announced on 1 March 2011

Prize: The winner of
contest will be notified via e-mail, but its name (or nickname) will be published in all topics related to this contest (including those of other communities)
at the time of the proclamation of the winner will be entitled to an award that will be chosen by moderators later according to the needs of the winner ^ ^

If you do not need to be BJD collectors to participate! Nessuno vi costringerà ad iscrivervi al forum o altro, semplicemente, se amate pasticciare con la grafica, datevi una chance di partecipare al nostro contest, abbiamo bisogno di un logo! **

Ultima avvertenza:
Nel caso in cui nessuna entry risulti idonea ci riserviamo di annullare il contest e di indirne uno nuovo in futuro.

Grazie per l'attenzione!

Land of Immortals

Why Does My Cat Have Black Mucus?

shameless plug x2

there I have already spoken, but they are the best I've felt for centuries, although they have only 4 songs and they did just a concert.


you will remember now when will the next big thing su XL (non dico NME perchè non glielo auguro, poverini)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Turquoise Conchos For Saddle


Non so se l'ho già fatto, ma comunque... Meme *_* il primo dell'anno, che bello!!

Dimmi il nome di due personaggi di un fandom che sai che seguo (non devono essere per forza una coppia, anzi se non lo sono sarà more fun) and I'll tell you:

- what they have in common
- traits which make them completely different
- if there is an interaction between them and why
canon - if they ever shipp
and under what conditions - what would be perfect for them
AU setting - which I prefer of the two and why
- on which one I prefer to write and why
- a book \\ song \\ movie \\ flower \\ a taste of ice cream or whatever associate to each of the two. Under

with the characters: D
(my fandom now know them all, but if in doubt ask XD)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Church Anniversary Ad Prices

Happy New Year, my dear f-list ♥


to talk, when I'm awake XD