Title: Of unicorns and dragons
Quote: The hallucinations perpetual calling friends
Characters: England (Arthur Kirkland), Hong Kong [Cit. America]
Pairing: / /
Genre: Fluff, comedian (?)
Rating: Green
Notes: 1. written for the drabble_tree
FICT a part of my prompt for an image with the image of this slide (this is the penultimate in low-uu)
England annoyed and frustrated snorted every time America took him around because it spoke for itself with those hallucinations that Arthur called his friends. But it was not, he really had at his side elves, unicorns and fairies, but he saw them. It was not a problem, until he knew that at home Hong Kong saw the creatures.
His colony was the only Chinese who saw the unicorns at his side, stroking them and smiling happily playing with them by the English, happy. Finally someone understood him and he thought that Hong Kong was a brother softer than it ever was America that did not see fairies and ogres.
"Arthur! Look at this! "Hong Kong one day he called cheerfully. Beside him was a huge dragon like a white horse-or rather, one of its unicorns, saw a huge horn on his forehead, rubbing it tenderly on the child stealing a laugh eastern Argentina and leaving the Englishman and his unicorn shocked.
England from that day he decided it was better to stop the Chinese to play with his creatures, or he pulled out a dragon and maybe even more frightening fire-breathing.
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