Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why Does It Brun Before My Period

Purple Wednesday

Originally posted by [info] thelake at Purple Wednesday

It’s been decided. On October 20th, 2010, we will wear purple in honor of the 6 gay boys who committed suicide in recent weeks/months due to homophobic abuse in their homes at at their schools. Purple represents Spirit on the LGBTQ flag and that’s exactly what we’d like all of you to have with you: spirit. Please know that times will get better and that you will meet people who will love you and respect you for who you are, no matter your sexuality. Please wear purple on October 20th. Tell your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and schools.

RIP Tyler Clementi, Seth Walsh
RIP Justin Aaberg, Raymond Chase
RIP Asher Brown and Billy Lucas

Reblog to spread a message of love, unity and peace.

- original post by [info] neo_prodigy

Monday, October 18, 2010

Is Legal

Slut Meme!

Well, this is definitely the fault of the many ways in which words with [info] miki_tr degenerate on time. Not that I complain, but ...
We found an evening to think about who was the person most slut (which means "whore" - and synonyms - for those who do not chew good English XD) and from there the idea for this game ... Well, sit down as well.

Rules: I choose a character from a fandom, I write on my lj, you answer in the comments with another character of that fandom, and I put them together in a fic, possibly p0rn, but not necessarily, preferably full of kink, but not necessarily!
Along with character, be sure to leave a kink, or if you prefer a simple prompt to base the fanfic.
After leaving the comment, copincollate the rules of the game on your lj and prepare the inevitable revenge.

Simple, right? : D

My slut is ... Regulus Black!
(Someone had doubts about? XD)

Terms of Use on this livejournal.
Simply: I write a scene. If this scene comes from a good fanfic for you, otherwise you will have to settle the scene XD
Spark, but in moderation.

slut of my partners are: *
Gellert, prompt: "relationship mentor / protege" ( [info] miki_tr )
* James, at the option prompt: "What we find in him" or kink: sex in a public place ( [info] hikaruryu )
* Remus, prompt: "Pretend that I am he" ( [info] michiru_kaiou7 ) (which not coincidentally is my Tessoro, because it gave me a great prompt * _ *) *
Sirius, at the option prompt: "Our father was right," or kink: pornography ( [info] weeping_ice )
* Severus, prompt: "You're just like your brother" ( [info] s0emme0s )
* Lucius, prompt: "peacocks" ( [info] haruka_lantis )
* Draco kink: corset ( [info] leliwen ) Amounts paid

: *
Fiction (Regulus / Remus, prompt: "Pretend that I am he" built by [info] michiru_kaiou7 )
* The boy came from nowhere (Gellert / Regulus, prompt: "report mentor / protege "built by [info] miki_tr ) *
Attraction (James / Regulus, kink: sex in a public place desired by [info] hikaruryu )